SuperHappyDevHouse 53
When: March 16, 2013 3pm - Late
Where: The NEW Hacker Dojo!
Please see our parking map.
Lightning Talk Schedule
Who's going to be here and why?
Add your name and what you think you might work on to the list
- Joel Franusic -
- Jeff Lindsay -
- Tom Harrison - Your friendly Hacker Dojo (and former LGDevHouse) Host
- Joe Mathes - Lightning talks
- Michael Litchard Traveller implementation via reactive-banana
- Christie Dudley - Fork the Law, a tool to collaboratively generate change in United States statutes
- Hang Cheng - No idea why but Fork the Law sounds interesting! Also Lightning Talks are awesome.
- Drew Perttula - or some other contentEditable wiki
- Martin Bogomolni - ATX Hackerspace, ArduPilot, doing some drone coding and working on an ARM 3D printer board
- (also doing my best to represent PBworks!)
- Hasan Diwan - Working on talk to me for more detail at the dev house.
- Ranga Krishnan : Working with the $500 Robot group at Hacker Dojo, the ArduPilot and Fork the Law look interesting.
- Bruce J. Bell et al: zSpace, a virtual reality workstation
Sub-Meetups happening at this SHDH:
If you take photos at this event, Please upload them to Flickr and tag them with shdh and shdh53.
Check them out here:
Need to setup carpooling or have other issues? List them here.
Lightning Talks:
If you would like to tell your fellow hackers about something you think is cool, head over to to learn more about Lightning Talks and remember to obey Joe.
Lightning Talk Schedule (this will be maintained by Joe)
Bandwidth for this event provided by: Etheric Networks

Postmortem notes