SHDH WishList
There are a number of things that we've been meaning to get or make for DevHouse that we just haven't been able to take care of. We decided to make a list so the community can see and possible contribute by providing, sponsoring or working on these things.
News -- Make next event accurate for newbies to sign-up
- rough laptop tracking via access points (we have mac address to person mapping data)
- facebook application for managing event and then hooking people up at the event
- Real-Time stats for projector and/or built into facebook app
- Bandwidth
- largest network users / abusers
- recent arrivals
- where people are sitting
- what people are working on
- schedule of events
- last minute food/drink wish-list for latecomers stopping by the store on the way over
- what else?
- a new website design
- Vote yes (Joel Franusic)
- Vote yes (Tom Harrison)
Equipment (looking for donations)
- Power Strips
- Extenssion cords (short & long)
- Linksys WRT54GL or smilar for use as linux based AP (need 2 more)
- Multi-WAN Firewall Solution with Captive Portal (currently PFSense)
- Tables
- Chairs
- Storage Cases for transport / stacking / storing of items above
- Covered Utility Trailer 8'+ long, know anyone willing to donate?
- Would greatly decrease setup time and storage hassles of devhouse crew by allowing permanent storage of:
- Tables
- Chairs
- Beverage overstock
- Storage Cases of power strips, etc.