Is somebody walking this?? I'm sure we can get somebody to pick you up...
If you know you're coming, put yourself on the wiki early! Announce your intentions--DevHouse is what you make of it! :)
Add your name to the list below and make your wikipage:
- BrianJohnson - I will be working on tvRSS and possibly helping Jeff get AjaxWar online.
- TomHarrison
- JeffLindsay - I might be putting template inheritence into Rails... we'll see. Or maybe getting AjaxWar online?
- DavidWeekly
- AdamSmith - adding nondeterminstic perception model to ai4games educational application example
- MikeAustin - Working on a user interface environment for Ruby
- Vinnie Lauria - don't worry, the link is a wiki too (drupal blog/wiki hybrid.) Go ahead, create some content!
- Kristopher Tate - BlueBridge Tech / Zooomr
- ChrisMessina
- Enric (cirne) Design and implement site for distributed online video editing.
- MikeMcDonald - working on 'Dante' service (elegant Website creation for the masses)
- Jon Bardin - will be mixing up some AsteriskFun
- JoelFranusic - um, yeah, I'll be working on that.
- Matt Pease -- I've never been to one of these but I'd like to play a part. I can code Java (EJB3, webwork, struts, jsf) & C++ & a bit of cocoa. Someone please let me know if they need some help with something.
- Eran Globen - Finally SHDH on a date I can attend! Working on tracking distributed conversations. See Distributed Social Anything for details.
- Chris Messina +1
- Angie Chang Looking for people who code in Ruby on Rails, and Women 2.0 to hang out with
- Tantek Çelik
- Holly Ward
- Bill Ward
- MarkIvey -- First time, looking forward to it but not sure what to expect. Willing to help with someone's project.
- David Andersen - I'll be doing some random rails kung-fu. as well as working to develop my social callback handlers.
- TedScharff -- Ummm....I can bring some beer.
- SethSchoen - I might work on my DRM technology demo
- JeyKottalam - I'll hack on something or another....
- RyanStark - I'll probably be doing something with Asterisk.
- StrickYak -- I've got some smalltalk/squeak stuff I'd like to get in better shape.
- JeffClites -- I'll probably be working on some Sudoku-solving programs (pointless but fun). Hey I just had an idea: It would be fun for everyone to bring their favorite techie book (by whatever definition of "favorite" and "techie" you like). They'd be good conversation pieces--fodder for some impromptu show-and-tells (shows-and-tell?).
- KimballBighorse -- Going live with a small RoR app
- Sanford Perhaps a slash/digg/fresh/tumble mashup for Rails.
- Craig Latta - Spoon! Quoth! Smalltalk! Squeak! And more yummy bananas.
- Ryanne Hodson and Jay Dedman we are videobloggers and come to document the night in video.
- DavidZhang -- Just heard about SHDH. I'll write a program to solve Go, or get remote debugging working. (probably show up late)
- Erica Douglass - I'm bringing 192 (also known at 256-64) cans of caffeinated beverages.
- RobLemley -- first timer n stuff. i've got a little project called yumnet i'm working on
- Jared Sohn -- First time as well.
- NeilKumar
- DrewPerttula - look at new polypaudio version
- PavelPergamenshchik -- write a solver for Paint by Numbers
- ValHenson - Analyze randomness of numbers in SEC filings and use results to rank companies by "made-up-ness" of financial reports.
- BrandonBickford - not at shdh but making django templates work outside of django
- ErnestoStubbes - not really ErnestoStubbes
While you're here, say something nice about the SHDH. Or not. Give us some kind of feedback: