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Super Happy Dev House 6



Saturday, December 10, 2005 from 7pm to 7am at 2735 Skyfarm Drive, Hillsborough, CA.


There is an IRC channel on irc.freenode.net/#shdh for chats.


The password for editing this wiki is superhappy.




Add the presentations as they're given


Time Person Project
9:30-10:00pm Kevin Burton Jakarta Feedparser
10:10-10:30pm Jesse Andrews Building Firefox Extensions with XUL
10:30-10:40pm Jesse Andrews Ruby on Rails
11:00-11:30pm Jeff Lindsay Vantage
12:50-1:00am Alan Keefer Java-to-JavaScript
1:15-1:30am TravisKalanick Red Swoosh JavaScript API
2:00-2:30am DavidBarrett iGlance (slides)
2:30-2:45am Chris Messina Rhyzomatic






Add the project you're working on here!


Person Project
DavidWeekly RssToIm




Add yourself below and a quick tag of why you're here!




Links & Info



Around the Web


Please tag everything related to SuperHappyDevHouse with "shdh" on tagging websites.