SuperHappyDevHouse 33
When: July 11 2009, 1pm--11pm
Where: Rainbow Mansion, 21677 Rainbow Drive, Cupertino, CA.
Who's going to be here and why?
Add your name, and what you think you might work on:
- Joel Franusic - Greeting people!
- David Weekly -
- Tom Harrison -
- Jeff Lindsay -
- Mike Lundy -
- Timothy Fitz -
- Brenton Simpson - Finally write a Wave gadget
- Sebastian Stadil - I'm the host !
- Devin Mullins - webkit
- Vladislav Yazhbin - a cool new app
- Daniel Brusilovsky -
- Ryan Park - stuff.
- Mark Jaffe something Djangoey
- Yury Lifshits - photo reader (django, python-lxml)
- Allan Grant & Alexander Sapov (dad) - introducing a visiting dad to our hacker community
- Scott Thorpe - Fractals/AI and many black swan projects.
- Dave Briccetti - Coding TalkingPuffin open source Scala Twitter client, learning more Pygame for teaching students. Here is a ten-minute video showing free software I use for teaching kids programming.
- Arjun Anand - An app in android and RoR, and learning Passenger.
- Jason Moungey - Community application frameworks with Groovy on Grails, microcontroller development
- Garrett Mace - LED and microcontroller hacking, RFID and embedded ethernet access system
- Carrie Ratajski - baking, and something else
- Paul Tarjan - openidavatar and achievement system
- Pradeep Elankumaran - Ruby, Rails, Erlang, XMPP
- Steven Chanin - Ruby, Rails, Agile Development
- Dean Quinanola - i do CakePHP, but I want to see Django/TurboGears in action, MapReduce or Hypertables on Hadoop (VM)
- Nat Welch - A todo list type app, hopefully. Driving up from SLO.
- Rob Eickmann - Down from Seattle Wa, hope to talk about SuperHappyDevHouse organization, and community building. (I am one of the organizers of Seattle's Saturday House and Six Hour Startup Groups).
- Tracy Osborn - Not sure yet
- Christian Wright - Want to discuss CouchDB/RabbitMQ-like things
- Vera Yin - hmm... something clever.
- Austin Hendrix - Not quite sure yet; maybe iPhone development
- Danish Khan - Ruby, Rails, learning Rails from others and Indinero.
- Boaz Gurdin - Learning Django
- Kevin Gadd - Working on my platformer for the PC and XBox 360 in C#/XNA.
- Dan Bikle - Want to learn Django. So I want to meet Mark Jaffe and Yury Lifshits.
- Andrew Long - iPhone game development, talk to others about their experience with Rails. Find out if anybody has any job openings.
- Christopher Rasch - Ruby, Rails, Open Source business models, meeting other developer/entrepreneurs, world domination.
- Arturo Garrido - Help Christopehr to dominate the world and play around with Scala or RoR
- Sean Head - Interested in single factor biometrics.
- Danny Roa - L looking for some hacking session in Django.
- Ernest Delgado - canvas tag
- Andrea Longo - iPhone something
- Drew Perttula - palm pre hacking, home automating. Want to discuss RabbitMQ too. I'm wearing a freebase shirt
- Christine Hodges - Firefox and Twitter joy
- Andy Su - Indinero
- Zonker Harris - perl hacking for a railroad museum
- Sam Liu - indinero, meeting people, other rails stuff
- Steve "'dillo" Okay Android stuff, possibly breaking out the SunSPOTs again
- Donald Kirker - Nat managed to convince me with out doing any work at it, so, coming to check it out.
- Stephan Branczyk - mobile development, google wave, just got the book The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell (it's pretty good)
- Dave Masselink - Hardware fault tolerance, Arduino and other embedded systems
- Ben Newhouse - pinyin stuff, django with some little webhooks, socializing per usual
- Joel Franusic - Hotdogs.
- Paul Tarjan - Leftover hotdogs and hamburgers from 4th of July
- Garrett Mace - Some kind of sandwich platter, TBD
- Devin Mullins - vegetarian lasagna
- Zonker Harris - Chili with turkey and beef
- Steven Chanin - Garden Burgers
- Devin Mullins - salad
- Christine Hodges - something
- Sam Liu - bananas and cherries
- Dean Quinanola - grapes!
- Joel Franusic - Hotdog buns.
- Allan Grant - piroshki
- Carrie Ratajski - cupcakes, brownies
- Tracy Osborn - Some sort of pasta casserole
- Andrea Longo - chips and salsa, some other random stuff
- Devin Mullins - HFCS-free soda (Boylan's ginger ale, mayhaps)
- Allan Grant - beer
- Nat Welch - Beer and Root Beer.
- Jason Moungey - Whatever looks good at the store on the way to SHDH
- Christian Wright - Diet Coke
- Andrew Long - Beer
- Andy Su - Apple Juice
- Danish Khan - Apple Juice
- Donald Kirker - More root beer.
- Austin Hendrix - disposable plates and silverware
- Jonathan Wilde - 120 plastic spoons, 180 plastic forks, 60 plastic knives, 600 paper napkins, and 170 paper plates
If you take photos at this event, Please upload them to Flickr and tag them with shdh and shdh33.
Check them out here:
- Anyone going here from Sunnyvale or close by? Yes - Devin Mullins (me @ my domain name)
- Anyone driving from SF? ------ Yury Lifshits: I am driving from SF and back. Just call me to get a ride: 626 354 3675
- Anyone going from Sausalito?
Lightning Talks:
If you would like to tell your fellow hackers about something you think is cool, head over to http://superhappydevhouse.org/LightningTalks to learn more about Lightning Talks and remember to obey Timothy.
Lightning Talk Schedule
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