


Saturday, June 23rd, 2pm-Midnight

2735 Skyfarm Drive, Hillsborough, CA



sponz0r of hax

Event Info



User Timetable



Who's going to be here and why?


Add your name to the list and make yourself a page about what you are working on.





If you have an interesting technical subject that you think would be useful for other geeks to know about, email Joel Franusic - jfranusic at


Talks will be FIVE MINUTES and no longer. Timothy is going to be keeping time!


You don't have to present only things of your own creation; if you found something really cool on the Net, like #develop, or you've figured out NSIS, please feel free to give a little talk about what you've found!


Explicit sales pitches for products / services that cannot be at least trial'ed for free are discouraged.


The Lightning Talk Schedule will be decided on the day of SHDH18.




Recuriting at SHDH.




If you take photos at this event, Please upload them to Flickr and tag them with shdh and shdh18


Videoblog: (from previous hillsborough event)