Additional Event Info
- Located in our South Bay, Los Gatos Location!
- Bring your own meat to BBQ for dinner if you wish
- very limited/no wired Ethernet access, bring usb WiFi Card if you bring your desktop.
- Announce Email
- Please bring extra AA batteries, one of the Wiimotes has dead batteries.
Who's going to be here and why?
Add your name to the list and make yourself a page about what you are working on.
More SHDH Info
Join us on IRC: #shdh on freenode
Add your name to the attendance list if you wish, and/or sign up on
If you take photos at this event, Please upload them to Flickr and tag them with SHDH and SHDH15
Or link us to your gallery here:
Last Minute Notes
There is no street sign for 'Via Del Sur'. It is the only left turn in the middle of Eaton Lane. The house is at the very end of the street on the left, not in the middle of the street where the map tells you.
If you want to swim, bring a swimsuit and a towel. The hot tub can be heated upon request.
We will have limited quantities of Hotdogs and other snacks available. Bring your own meat to grill and snacks to share. Bottled water and limited quantities of energy drinks will be available, and as always, monetary donations to cover costs are very appreciated!