

SuperHappyDevHouse 14

Saturday, December 16th, 1pm-1am

2735 Skyfarm Drive, Hillsborough, CA



Additional Event Info

  • Located at Super Happy Fun House in Hillsborough CA
  • Bring your own meat to BBQ for dinner if you wish
  • very limited/no wired Ethernet access, bring usb WiFi Card if you bring your desktop.
  • this particular event may have trouble keeping an internet connection, so bring local copies of work if you can just in case
  • Announce Email


Who's going to be here and why?

Add your name to the list and make yourself a page about what you are working on.



More SHDH Info

Join us on IRC: #shdh on freenode

Add your name to the attendance list if you wish, and/or sign up on



If you take photos at this event, Please upload them to Flickr and tag them with SHDH and SHDH14


Or link us to your gallery here:


Random clip for Documentary

Long pause because David didnt hear the first "Action!"



Login and modify this area if you have any specific requests for help at this event


Car Pool


  • Anyone have a spare car seat coming from SF or near a Caltrain station? eurekaman gmail com


Any hardware hackers?

-I have a hp digital projector sb21 that just randomly stopped working. It just simply will not power on, but does have a new bulb. If you feel you are up to the challenge, please try to fix it. If you are able to fix it, I would like to donate the projector to devhouse. --Daniel Bohannon