




 The premier monthly hackathon event that combines serious and not-so-serious productivity with a fun and exciting party atmosphere.


SuperHappyDevHouse is a non-exclusive event intended for creative and curious people interested in technology. We're about knowledge sharing, technology exploration, and ad-hoc collaboration. Come to have fun, build things, learn things, and meet new people. It's called hacker culture, and we're here to encourage it.


SHDH 65 | Oxford, England (UK)

Feb 9, 2025

19 Paradise Street, Oxford, England



If you like SuperHappyDevHouse, you're going to love Hacker Dojo, a non-profile hackerspace in Mountain View, CA. Please join as a member!


In the Media

DevHouse gets talked about in the blogosphere fairly often, but when we get covered by mainstream media, you can imagine we get pretty excited. Here is some of the coverage we've gotten so far that we'd like to share:



Inspired Events

We absolutely love it when people startup their own DevHouse events. Here are some of the ones we know about:














New Zealand






United Kingdom



United States




Start your own!


SHDH has also influenced other events such as Hack Day, Mash Pit and even BarCamp.


Okay, but how does SHDH compare to other Silicon Valley events?

DevHouse Explained

Illustrated by Derek Yu




Special Thanks